Environmental Corporation of America's client, AT&T Mobility, LLC, is proposing to construct a 42-foot tall overall height small pole telecommunications support structure located at 390 17th Street Northwest, Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia. ECA conducted a Phase I Archaeological Assessment of the Area of Potential Effects (APE) consisting of background research, field investigations, and preparation of this report. The APE for direct effects includes a proposed 10-foot by 10-foot (3-meter by 3-meter) pole site and all the immediately adjacent areas.
Through our review of available cultural records and databases, twenty-nine previously recorded
archaeological sites (9FU89, 9FU90, 9FU91, 9FU92, 9FU94, 9FU102, 9FU107, 9FU118, 9FU194, 9FU230, 9FU252, 9FU253, 9FU318, 9FU334, 9FU410, 9FU482, 9FU483, 9FU484, 9FU485, 9FU515, 9FU516, 9FU51 7, 9FU518, 9FU578, 9FU579, 9FU584, 9FU681, 9FU688, 9FU726) and fifty-seven previously recorded archaeological surveys (2 78, 1500, 171 7, 2031, 2289, 2396, 2585, 2607, 2608, 3130, 3192, 3195, 3196, 3280, 3382, 3385, 3511, 3512, 3632, 3701, 3757, 3887, 3941, 4216, 4336, 5691, 5696, 5712, 5721, 5740, 5743, 5745, 5746, 5935, 6375, 6732, 7118, 7139, 7429, 7434, 7679, 8181, 8205, 8210, 8337, 8475, 8499, 8554, 8572, 8582, 8781, 883 7, 8864, 8978, 9409, 9514, 9536) were identified within a 2-mile research radius of the proposed undertaking, but outside the APE for direct effects. During the field survey portion of this archaeological assessment, no archaeological cultural resources were encountered.
Field notes for the negative findings are on file with Environmental Corporation of America.
ECA believes that the proposed undertaking would have no adverse effect on any historic or prehistoric archaeological resources that are listed in or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. Based on our findings related to archaeological resources, we recommend no further consultation under Section 106 Review of the National Historic Preservation Act for this proposed undertaking.
No shovel tests were excavated within the proposed project area due to the project area being paved and the presence of underground utilities. During the pedestrian survey, no archaeological sites or cultural artifacts were identified. During this archaeological assessment, no sites, either historic or prehistoric, were in the APE for direct effects. We believe that no archaeological cultural resources will be affected by the
proposed undertaking. Therefore, we recommend a finding of "No Effect" for the proposed undertaking as it relates to archaeology.