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Lab Series Publications

The following publications are those of the University of Georgia Laboratory of Archaeology. Entitled the Laboratory of Archaeology Series Reports, this series was begun in 1960 by Arthur R. Kelly, the founder of the University of Georgia Department of Anthropology as well as the Laboratory of Archaeology. As of early 2011, the Laboratory of Archaeology Series Reports were switched to pdfs.

Many of these contain information on the excavation and interpretation of Indigenous burials. Images and drawings of burials, Ancestors, funerary objects, and other NAGPRA material have been redacted. Research, access, and use of NAGPRA material (including documents and media) controlled by UGA is prohibited and will be granted only after consultation and written approval from an official representative of the affiliated Tribe(s) as well as from the controlling federal or state agency. If you are interested in accessing an unredacted version of the below pdfs, please email the Operations Director ( to enter into consultation. .

Lab Series # Year Author(s) Title
1 1960 Kelly, Arthur Randolph A Weeden Island Burial Mound in Decatur County, Georgia and Related Sites on the Lower Flint River
2 1960 McMichael, Edward V., Kellar, James H. Archaeological Salvage in the Oliver Basin
3 1961 Neitzel, Robert Stuart Chauga Mound and Village Site (38 Oc1) in Oconee County, South Carolina
4 1962 Debaillou, Clemens, Smith, Philip E. Archaeological Salvage in the Morgan Falls Basin; Aboriginal Sone Constructions in the Southern Piedmont
5 1962 Kelly, Arthur Randolph, Nonas, Richard, Chase, David W., Broyles, Bettye J., Schnell, Frank T. Survey of Archaeological Sites in Clay and Quitman Counties, Georgia 9CLA2, 9CLA7, 9CLA15, 9CLA28, 9CLA38, 9CLA51, 9QU25
7 1970 Hutto, Brooks Archaeological Survey of the Elbert County, Georgia, Portion of the Proposed Trotters Shoals Reservoir, Savannah River
8 1962 Kellar, James H., Kelly, Arthur Randolph, McMichael, Edward V. Final Report on Archaeological Excavations at the Mandeville Site, 9Cla1, Clay County, Georgia
9 1970 Watkins, C. Malcolm Artifacts from the Site of Three Nineteenth Century House and Ditches at Darien Bluff, Georgia
10 1973 Hunt, Caroline C. Oconee: Temporary Boundary
11 1976 Fish, Paul R. Patterns of Prehistoric Site Distribution in Effingham and Screven Counties, Georgia: Results of an Archaeological Survey for the U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation Service in the Ebenezer Creek Watershed
12 1977 Pearson, Charles E. Analysis of Late Prehistoric Settlement on Ossabaw Island, Georgia
13 1976 Fish, Paul R., Mitchell, William W. Late Archaic Settlement in the Big Slough Watershed: Results of an Archaeological Survey for the U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation Service in Grady and Mitchell Counties, Georgia
14 1977 Fish, Paul R., Fish, Suzanne K. Prehistoric Settlement in the Dry Creek Watershed: Results of An Archaeological Survey for the U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation Service in Decatur, Seminole, Miller and Early Counties, Georgia
15 1978 Fish, Suzanne K., Fish, Paul R., Jefferies, Richard W. An Examination of Interfluvial Settlement in the Georgia Southern Piedmont: The Georgia Power Company Plant Scherer Archaeological Survey
16 1978 Smith, Marvin T. Excavations at Several Woodland and Archaic Camp and Workshop Sites in Laurens County, Georgia
17 1978 Fish, Paul R., Jefferies, Richard W. Investigation of Two Stone Mound Localities Monroe County, Georgia
18 1979 Hally, David J. Archaeological Investigation of the Little Egypt Site (9Mu102)' Murray County, Georgia, 1969 Season
20 1979 Shirk, Elizabeth C. Intra-site Phosphate Analysis: a Test Case at Cold Springs
21 1979 Goad, Sharon Iowa Chert Resources in Georgia: Archaeological and Geological Perspectives
22 1981 Elliott, Daniel T., Doyon, Roy R. Archaeology and Historical Geography of the Savannah River Floodplain near Augusta, Georgia
23 1986 Crook, Morgan Raymond Mississippi Period Archaeology of the Georgia Coastal Zone
24 1986 Hally, David J., Rudolph, James L. Mississippi Period Archaeology of the Georgia Piedmont
25 1988 Hally, David J., Langford, James B. Mississippi Period Archaeology of the Georgia Valley and Ridge Province
26 1993 Schnell, Frank T., Wright, Newell O. Mississippi Period Archaeology of the Georgia Blue Ridge Mountains
27 1990 Wynn, Jack T. Mississippi Period Archaeology of the Georgia Blue Ridge Mountains
28 1990 Anderson, David G., Ledbetter, Jerald, O'Steen, Lisa Diane Paleoindian Period Archaeology of Georgia
29 1992 DePratter, Chester B. W.P.A. Archaeological Excavations in Chatham County, Georgia: 1937-1942
30 1992 Smith, Marvin T. Historic Period Indian Archaeology of Northern Georgia
31 1993 Thomas, David Hurst Historic Indian Period Archaeology of the Georgia Coastal Zone