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Lab Series Publications

The following publications are those of the University of Georgia Laboratory of Archaeology. Entitled the Laboratory of Archaeology Series Reports, this series was begun in 1960 by Arthur R. Kelly, the founder of the University of Georgia Department of Anthropology as well as the Laboratory of Archaeology. As of early 2011, the Laboratory of Archaeology Series Reports were switched to pdfs.

Many of these contain information on the excavation and interpretation of Indigenous burials. Images and drawings of burials, Ancestors, funerary objects, and other NAGPRA material have been redacted. Research, access, and use of NAGPRA material (including documents and media) controlled by UGA is prohibited and will be granted only after consultation and written approval from an official representative of the affiliated Tribe(s) as well as from the controlling federal or state agency. If you are interested in accessing an unredacted version of the below pdfs, please email the Operations Director ( to enter into consultation. .

Lab Series # Year Author(s) Title
32 1994 Smith, Marvin T. Archaeological Investigations at the Dyar Site, 9GE5
33 1995 Wood, W. Dean, Bowen, William R. Woodland Period Archaeology of Northern Georgia
34 1995 Braley, Chad O. Historic Indian Period Archaeology of the Georgia Coastal Plain
35 1995 Elliott, Daniel T., Sassaman, Kenneth E. Archaic Period Archaeology of the Georgia Coastal Plain and Coastal Zone
36 1995 Steinen, Karl T. Woodland Period Archaeology of the Georgia Coastal Plain
37 2001 King, Adam Excavations at Mound B, Etowah: 1954-1958
38 2003 Stanyard, William F. Archaic Period Archaeology of North Georgia
39 2004 Joseph, Joseph W., Kelly, Arthur Randolph, Hamby, Theresa M. Historical Archaeology in Georgia
40 1972 Kelly, Arthur Randolph The 1970-71 Field Seasons at Bell Field Mound, Carters Dam
41 1981 Elliott, Daniel T. Soapstone Use in the Wallace Reservoir: A Tool for Interpreting Prehistory
42 1983 Williams, Mark The Joe Bell Site: Seventeenth Century Lifeways on the Oconee River
43 1969 Kelly, Arthur Randolph Explorations at Bell Field Mound and Village Seasons 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968
44 1981 Smith, Marvin T. Archaeological Investigations at Site 9MG90, Wallace Reservoir, Georgia
45 1981 Smith, Marvin T. Archaeological Investigations at the Rockshelter Site, 9GE150
46 1981 Hally, David J., Shapiro, Gary Neal, Smith, Marvin T. Archaeological Investigations at the Ogeltree Site, 9GE153
47 1981 Wood, Karen Green Archaeological Investigations at 9PM207
48 1981 Hally, David J., Smith, Marvin T. Archaeological Investigations at 9GE162
49 1981 Brook, George A. Geoarcheology of the Oconee Reservoir
50 1982 Manning, Mary Kathleen Archaeological Investigations at 9PM260
51 1982 Rogers, Anne Frasier An Interpretation of a Late Archaic Period Site in Piedmont Georgia
52 1982 Hally, David J., Rudolph, James L. Archaeological Investigations at Site 9PM220
53 1982 Hally, David J., Rudolph, James L. Archaeological Investigations at Site 9PM212
54 1982 Hally, David J. Archaeological Investigations at Site 9GE145
55 1983 Shapiro, Gary Neal Site Variability in the Oconee Province: A Late Mississippian Society of the Georgia Piedmont
56 1983 O'Steen, Lisa Diane Early Archaic Settlement Patterns in the Wallace Reservoir: an Inner Piedmont Perspective
57 1987 Gresham, Thomas H. The Wallace Mitigation Survey: an Overview
58 1983 Wood, Karen Green Nineteenth Century Foodways in Piedmont Georgia
59 2010 Webster, Christopher J. Archaeological Excavations at 9PM201, Putnam County, Georgia
60 2010 Moss, Richard A. 9MG73: The Swords Bridge Site
61 1978 Ledbetter, Jerald Wallace Project Backhoe Testing Program