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Phase I Archaeological Survey Supplemental Parcel Elliott Street, Gwinnett County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

This report documents results of a Phase I archaeological survey performed by Greenhouse Consultants Incorporated in conjunction with its PaleoWest affiliate of approximately 1.03 acres in Gwinnett County, Georgia. The Area of Potential Effect (APE) for this survey comprises the footprint of Parcel ID R7294B095, southwest of the intersection of Elliott Street and South Lee Street (Gwinnett County Board of Assessors 2021).

The purpose of this survey was to locate and identify historic properties within the APE and to assess the significance of such properties with respect to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) criteria in 36 CFR 60, National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended. The survey was completed in accordance with federal and state regulations, and was undertaken to comply with the Georgia Standards and Guidelines for Archaeological Investigations provided by the Georgia Council of Professional Archaeologists (GCPA 2019).

Pedestrian survey transects were plotted throughout the APE at a spacing of 15 meters. Judgmental shovel test pits (STP) were excavated in portions of the pedestrian survey area. We excavated a total of four STP. All STP were negative for cultural material. Pedestrian survey was conducted along the transects and between shovel tests throughout the APE. No archaeological sites were encountered during the survey.

The GCI Phase I archaeological survey established that the undertaking should have no effects on sites eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. We therefore recommend no additional investigation within the APE.