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A Cultural Resources Assessment Survey of the Proposed Kansas Cellular Tower, Tallapoosa, Haralson County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Trileaf Corporation is in the process of completing a Section 106 review at the referenced property. Our client

proposes to construct a 260-foot tall self-support communications tower and associated equipment within an 80-

foot by 80-foot (6,400 square feet) compound within a 100-foot by 100-foot (10,000 square foot) lease area. The

project includes a 30-foot wide proposed access/utility easement (to contain a 12-foot wide gravel drive) that

extends south and then generally east along an existing two-track gravel drive that extends into open field and

along an existing fence line connecting with GA Highway I 00, east of the site. Currently the site is

agricultural/pasture area with and existing gravel drive. The antenna will be licensed by the Federal

Communications Commission (FCC).

A request for additional information was received from your office for the project, HP-161214-003, to include:

• A revised direct effects report to include information on archaeological site 9HR317 - not noted in the

report and adjacent to the proposed project site.

• Clarification of access path location on Google Earth Site Location Image as compared to location

depicted in site plans provided in report.

• Verification that there is no existing tower on the parent tract/nearby as the site plans note "an existing

125 ' tower setback line."

Please note that the Georgia Archaeological Site File (GASF) was consulted on November 14, 2016 to

determine if any previously identified sites had been reported with the direct APE of the proposed project or if

any previously archaeological studies had been conducted. Site 9HR317 was not included in the results of the

search. After comments were received from your office, the GASF was again consulted resulting in two

additional recorded sites (Site 9HR317 as well as an additional site, 9HR316).

A supplementary report has been prepared to address the effects to the two additional sites reported by the

additional GASF search and is attached herein. Additionally, it should be noted that Figure 23 and the Tower

Source Site Plans depicted the correct access/utility easement location. Further, based on the site reconnaissance

conducted as part of this proposed project, there is no existing tower on the parent tract/in the vicinity of the

proposed tower site. Georgia f¥Chaeological

Site File · ·. , ,._,,~

Report No. I oo '15

Additionally, since the time that this project was originally submitted to your office for review (December 5,

2016), the eastern-most portion of the proposed access easement has been slightly shifted to avoid an existing

power pole and fence-line. The originally proposed easement extended eastward from an existing dirt, two-track

road that extends into open field and along an existing fence-line to intersect GA Hwy 100. The portion of the

proposed easement that intersects with GA Hwy 100 has been shifted slightly south by a few feet. The proposed

tower and associated equipment compound has not changed in either size or location and the street address has

remained GA Hwy 100, Tallapoosa, Haralson County, Georgia 30176. No other revisions are proposed.

The original and revised construction drawings are enclosed for your review. In addition, a statement from

Cypress Cultural Consultants, LLC regarding this change and their preserved finding/recommendations is also

enclosed for your review.

We appreciate your cooperation in this regard and anticipate your concurrence with our recommended findings

of No Historic Properties in the APE for Direct Effects, and No Effect anticipated for the Historic

Properties in the Visual Effects APE. Additionally, it is recommended that the proposed undertaking proceed

without further archaeological review.

Please call me at (678) 425-5791 or email if you need any additional information

or have any questions. Thank you for your assistance.