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Phase I Archaeological Survey for Intersection Improvements for I-75 @ 2 Locations, SR 8 @ 4 Locations, SR 10 @ 2 locations, and SR 42 @ 1 Location, Fulton County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project would consist of the improvement of nine (9) intersections in the City of Atlanta in Fulton County (see Figure 1). The proposed project would address compliance with current GDOT standards, the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) standards, and the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by enhancing efficiency for vehicular and pedestrian movements at the nine locations. The proposed project would provide upgraded traffic signal equipment and pedestrian platforms, energy saving light-emitting diode (LED) signal heads, wheelchair ramps, pedestrian signals, and crosswalk striping. The proposed intersections receiving the upgrades are:

Intersection 1. State Route (SR) 8 at Spring Street,

Intersection 2. SR 8 at Peachtree Street

Intersection 3. SR 8 at West Peachtree Street,

Intersection 4. SR 8 at North Avenue

Intersection 5. 1-75 Northbound at SR 8/Spring Street,

Intersection 6. 1-75 Southbound at SR 8/North Avenue

Intersection 7. SR 10 at North Avenue,

Intersection 8. SR 10 at Ralph McGill Boulevard

Intersection 9. SR 42 Connector at North Highland Avenue

All construction and ground-disturbing activity associated with the proposed project is anticipated to take place entirely within the existing right-of-way (ROW) at each intersection; however, the need for additional ROW is unknown at this time.

A review of the Georgia Archaeological Site File (GASF) at the University of Georgia in Athens found that there are 13 previously recorded sites within 1-kilometer of the intersection locations. None of these resources are within the APE for the current project.