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A Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Dawson to Parrott Transmission Line Right of Way Widening

Report Number
Year of Publication

Oglethorpe Power Corporation (OPC) is requesting clearance to widen the existing Dawson to Parrott transmission line right-of-way (ROW) from the existing 50 feet to 75 and 100 feet. The project is located entirely within Terrell County, Georgia. Because the project requires the approval of the Rural Electrification Authority (REA), a federal agency, an assessment of the potential impacts of the project on historic properties must be completed prior to receiving clearance to proceed. OPC contracted with Southeastern Archeological Services, Inc., to conduct an intensive survey of the existing transmission ROW and the proposed ROW expansion. The survey was intended to locate and evaluate the significance of all historic properties within the proposed ROW. Fieldwork was conducted on May 14-15, 1990. The 7.5 km (4.6 mi)transmission line was examined by pedestrian coverage using visual inspection of the surface and subsurface shovel testing of areas with no surface visibility. A literature review was conducted prior to the fieldwork for any information on known or anticipated historic properties. The survey of the 7.5 km (4.6 mi) Dawson to Parrott transmission line located two prehistoric archeological sites and three historic sites. Table 1 summarizes the pertinent site information. Two of the historic sites, 9TelO and 9Tell, are artifact scatters with no structural remains. One of the historic sites, 9Tel2, is an artifact scatter with the structure still intact but in poor condition. One of the prehistoric sites, 9Te8, is a very low density lithic artifact scatter. The other, 9Te9, is a high density lithic artifact scatter with some ceramics also occurring. Three additional prehistoric sites were discovered near the transmission line but out of the ROW. These were recorded with State Site Forms completed and State Site numbers assigned to each of them. They are not described or evaluated in this report since they are outside the proposed ROW and will not be impacted. There are no historic buildings within the proposed ROW widening. Because the Dawson to Parrott transmission line is already in place, there will be no additional impacts to historic buildings near the ROW.