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Proposed Telecommunications Tower Project Section 106 Field Assessment Bitsy Grant Relocation Tower 2125 Northside Drive NW Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia RSWA Project No. 18-784-001

Report Number
Year of Publication

R.S. Webb & Associates (RSWA), a professional cultural resources management firm, conducted a cultural resources survey of the above-referenced telecommunications tower project area. This survey was conducted at the request of and was based upon location information provided by Grounded Engineering Services, Inc., on behalf of Verizon, a wireless facility applicant.

The proposed Bitsy Grant relocation telecommunications tower is a 190-foot (ft) self-supported structure intended to replace an extant telecommunication monopole (of similar height) located approximately 630 ft. southwest of the proposed tower location. The proposed tower site is located on a previously developed and heavily disturbed parcel of land formerly associated with the Bobby Jones Golf Course and currently associated with the Bitsy Grant Tennis Center at 2125 Northside Drive in Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia [USGS Northwest Atlanta, Georgia quadrangle (Figure I)]. The methods, results, and conclusions of this assessment are presented below, and attached are a project location map (Figure I), an archeological survey coverage map (Figure 2), photographs (Photos 1-38), and a photographic key (Figure 3).

                The Area of Potential Effects (APE) for direct impacts is limited to the areas that will be physically disturbed by this undertaking. The APE for direct impacts consists of a proposed 50-ft-by-60-ft tower lease area, a 30-ft-by-30-ft staging area, a 30-ft-wide proposed permanent access corridor from Northside Drive (where excavation/construction is currently ongoing), and a proposed temporary construction easement from an existing parking lot to the proposed tower site via existing disturbed ground and/or existing paved pathways.

                Shovel testing within the proposed APE for direct impacts revealed no artifacts, archeological deposits or cultural features. The entire project area, including lease/staging areas and both temporary and permanent access corridors, have been significantly disturbed by ongoing construction. It is the opinion of RSWA that the proposed Bitsy Grant tower relocation project will have no direct effect on cultural resources that are eligible for inclusion in the NRHP.