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Archaeological Survey of Proposed Improvements to the Historic Mule Barn at the University of Georgia Griffin Campus, Spalding County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

An archeological survey of the area of potential effect for the proposed renovation of a ca.1920 mule barn on the University of Georgia Griffin Campus was conducted on March 22, 2018 by the author. Artifacts related to the barn were found in six shovel tests placed to the south and west of the barn, and these tests and the footprint of the barn were used to delineate archeological site 9SP204. We recommend that site 9SP204 is not eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places under criterion D of the National Register criteria. While the site does contain a scatter of artifacts related to the bam, as reflected by the positive shovel tests, these are in disturbed and generally shallow contexts that offer little important research potential. We hasten to add that this assessment of the archeological potential of the site does not preclude the building being eligible under other criteria, such as its architecture (criterion C) or its possible association with persons or events important in history (criteria A and B). The standing barn itself is a remarkable feature, but not an archeological one. In terms of archaeology, we recommend that the proposed Mule Barn redevelopment be granted clearance to proceed and that no further work is warranted.