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Report on Archeaological Monitoring of a Sewer Line Installation Between the UGA Chapel and the Administration Building on North Campus, University of Georgia, Athens Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

This document reports the results of archival research and archeological monitoring of the installation of a sewer line on new location, extending from the front of the Chapel diagonally across the quadrangle to an existing manhole on the north side of the Administration Building (Figure 1 ). The sewer line was installed by personnel from the University of Georgia Facilities Management Division under the direction of construction manager Clay Dally from May 8, 2017 to May 18, 2017. Joel Jones, senior archeologist with Southeastern Archeological Services, excavated shovel tests along the route of the proposed line and monitored the excavation of the sewer line trench during most of its excavation. Four archeological features were designated and documented within the sewer line trench. Well preserved soils were encountered within a slight swale in the central portion of the sewer line trench.