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Section 106 Review Proposed Extension and Collocation of Antennas on an Existing 250-Foot Tall (Overall Height) Self Supporting Telecommunications Structure Crown Castl Site 873305 Newton County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Environmental Corporation of America’s (ECA) understands that Crown Castle USA Inc. is proposing to increase the height of and mount antennas on an existing 250-foot tall selfsupporting lattice telecommunications structure. Crown Castle USA Inc. is proposing to extend the tower to 310 feet overall height and to collocate antennas on the existing tower structure at 165 and 294 feet along multiple centerlines, as described in the following FCC Form 621, Collocation (CO) Submission Packet. The facility currently consists of a fenced telecommunications compound surrounding a 250-foot tall self-supporting lattice telecommunications structure. Within the existing fenced compound, new equipment would be installed inside one proposed 10-foot by 12-foot (3-meter by 4-meter) lease area. The tower extension would increase the tower height by more than 10% of its original height; therefore, the proposed undertaking would be considered a substantial increase in size as defined in the Nationwide Programmatic Agreement for the Collocation of Wireless Antennas. We are submitting this documentation to comply with the Nationwide Programmatic Agreement for the Collocation of Wireless Antennas. ECA has identified and evaluated Historic Properties, if any, within the Area of Potential Effect (APE) for visual and direct effects as directed in Section VI.D.1 and 2 of the Nationwide Programmatic Agreement, effective on March 7, 2005. No properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) were identified within the ¾-mile APE for visual effects.

ECA researched the files at the Georgia Historic Preservation Division (GAHPD) on October 26, 2018. During our research at the GAHPD we identified two historic properties (Ne-1165 and Ne-1166) listed in the Newton County Survey Files, but no additional Historic Resources in the Identified Site Files, Environmental Review Files, or the Centennial Farm Files within the ¾-mile APE for Visual effects. During our research on the University of Georgia’s Natural, Archaeological and Historic Resource Geographic Information System (GNAHRGIS), we identified two Historic Properties (103159 and 104626) within the ¾-mile APE for visual effects. Due to missing survey forms for resource numbers Ne-1165 and Ne-1166 within the GAHPD survey files and inaccurate GNAHRGIS GIS points, ECA was only able to narrow resource locations down to the boundary shown on the survey files map. For the purposes of this report, the boundary mapped within the GAHPD survey files will be considered as GAHPD resource Ne-1165-66. Photographs of the historic resources and viewbacks towards the proposed facility, as well as supplemental photographic documentation from Google Earth, are included in Attachment B-1.