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Phase I Cultural Resources Survey GA-006 Calhoun Wireless Telecommunications Facility Calhoun, Gordon County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

At the request of Southern Towers, LLC, Environmental, Inc. performed a Phase I Cultural Resources Survey (CRS) for the proposed GA-006 Calhoun wireless telecommunications facility to be located in Calhoun, Gordon County, Georgia. The FCC is the lead oversight agency, and as such this project is subject to review under NEPA and the NHPA, specifically Section 106. The Phase I survey and assessment, following the guidelines set forth in the FCC’s Nationwide Programmatic Agreement, entailed the following aims and objectives:

▪ Define the project’s Direct and Visual Area of Potential Effects (APE);

▪ Identify any archaeological sites or historic properties within the APE for Direct Effects via a field reconnaissance utilizing both visual inspection and subsurface testing;

▪ Identify any archaeological sites or historic properties, as well as previous cultural resource surveys, within the APE for Visual Effects via research utilizing the files and databases of the state SHPO and other appropriate agencies, as well as available aerial photographs and historical records and maps;

▪ Review and compile contextual data concerning the project area’s physiography, geology, soils, prior land use, and cultural history;

▪ To evaluate the significance of any archaeological sites or historic properties identified, including those historic resources identified during the field reconnaissance (inadvertent discovery), within the guidelines and criteria for establishing eligibility for the NRHP; and

▪ To assess the effects of the project (the undertaking) on any identified historic properties.

The undertaking consists of a 100-foot by 100-foot lease area, a turn-around easement, and proposed site access road to be located at 220 Porch Loop in Calhoun, Gordon County, Georgia 30701. The site is relatively level with minimal slope to the south and is set within mixed secondary growth with pine predominate and a light understory. The proposed 30-foot wide site access and utility easement extends east-southeast from Porch Loop, partially utilizing an existing gravel driveway, then turns to the south for approximately 420 feet to a 20-foot by 70-foot turnaround easement and the 100-foot by 100-foot lease area. Proposed activities consist of construction of a 250-foot (260 feet with appurtenances) self-support lattice telecommunications tower with associated 75-foot by 75-foot compound and ingress-egress and utility easement, enclosing the compound with fencing, placement of support equipment within the compound, grading an access road, and covering the compound and access road with gravel.

As a result of the literature and document review, the field reconnaissance and evaluation, and project assessment, no archaeological sites or historic properties or resources were identified within the APE for Direct Effects, nor are there any NRHP-listed or NRHP-eligible properties within the APE for Visual Effects. One historic resource, identified during the background research, is no longer extant. Overall, the site of the proposed undertaking, located within a broad drainage with minimal relief, has been negatively impacted from prior earth-moving activity, timber activity, and severe erosion, and is situated within an area of low-lying ground prone to periodic flooding and poor drainage. Shovel testing revealed both shallow and eroded soil profiles and wet silty clays and hydric soils. Thus, in consideration of these negative findings, it is the opinion of Environmental, Inc., that the proposed GA-006 Calhoun Wireless Telecommunications Facility will not affect any known or significant cultural resources and recommends that the project be cleared to proceed with a finding of No Properties.