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Addendum Phase I Archaeological Survey for the Replacement of Bridge 279-5020-0 over Rocky Creek, Toombs County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The purpose of this project is to replace a structurally deficient bridge (Structure ID 279-5020-0) carrying Tippet Creek Road over Rocky Creek in Toombs County, Georgia (Figure 1). This bridge replacement project is a candidate for the Low Impact Bridge Program (LIBP). The project limits extend 190 feet from either end of the structure. Existing row measures 50 feet from centerline. The project also proposes 17 to 35 feet of permanent easement on either side of the roadway. Changes to the project have occurred since the original archaeological assessment. The project has added permanent easement on either side of the roadway. As a result, a portion of the permanent easement extends beyond the original survey area by 10 feet for a length of 145 feet.