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Phase I Archaeological Resources Survey of County Road (CR 287)/ Butler Mill Road Bridge Replacement over Horse Creek, Macon County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

As part of the Georgia Department of Transportation's (GDOT) Low Impact Bridge Program (LISP), a potential bridge replacement has been identified along County Road (CR) 287/Butler Mill Road located in Macon County, Georgia. The existing bridge (Bridge ID # 193-0042-0) along CR 287/Butler Mill Road currently spans a section of Horse Creek located approximately 9 miles west of Marshallville, Georgia (Figures 1 and 2). The existing bridge was constructed in 1967 and measures 114 feet (35 meters) in length by 23.9 feet (7.3 meters) in width. As a candidate under the LIBP, the proposed survey area will capture the existing right-of-way (ROW) and potentially additional small amounts of easements; therefore, the current survey area is confined to the limits of a predefined environmental survey boundary (ESB) and no Expanded Survey Corridor {ESC) is required. The existing ROW along this section of CR 287/Butler Mill Road is 80 feet (24 meters) total, or 40 feet (12 meters) on either side of the current CR 287/Butler Mill Road centerline.