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Archaeological Surveys and Assessments of County Bridge Projects PEU-110-1(5), Chatham County

Report Number
Year of Publication

Construction consists of widening existing two lane highway to provide for two lanes in each direction and a center two-way turn lane on Derenne Avenue, State Route 26 Loop in the City of Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia. Casey Canal - Remove existing double 9’ x 9' arch culvert and construct a triple 8’X8’concrete bridge culvert approximately 100 feet in length. Approximately 12,300 cubic yards of embankment will be placed below the 100 year flood elevation. The embankment material will be obtained from borrow pits off the project and when placed will cover approximately 3.9 acres of low land consisting of thick underbrush, pines, oak and gum. There are no wet lands involved and there will be no dredging or waste material.