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Potential Wetland Involvement and Bridge Detour on Project BRF-153-1(11), Macon-Dooly Counties

Report Number
Year of Publication

The above referenced project is the bridge replacement on S. R. 90 over Hogcrawl Creek. The project concept report indicates that a detour bridge will be required during construction. It is our current understanding that this bridge will be on the north side of the existing roadway. If the detour is constructed north of the existing facility there would be no wetland impact, if, however, the detour should be constructed south of the present facility, wetland impacts may occur. The existing bridge is 280 feet long by 23.8 feet wide and has timber steel beams and a concrete deck. The proposed project will extend the bridge to 300 feet long by 40 feet wide. The established ROW is 100 feet.