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West Point Lake Chattahoochee River Alabama & Georgia Historic Properties Management Plan

Report Number
Year of Publication

This document details the Historic Preservation Management Plan (HPMP) for the West Point Lake project. Corps of Engineers regulation ER 1 130-2-43 8, Project Construction and Operation, Historic Preservation Program, governed its preparation. Historic resource surveys completed before and after construction of the West Point Lake project identified 1,008 historic resource sites on fee owned Government property. Of these, 9 sites are either listed on the National Register of Historic Places, possess sufficient integrity to be eligible for listing on the National Register, or are potentially eligible for the National Register. Project responsibilities defined in this document include increased patrols for vandalism and coordination with the District office when archeological sites are within a 300 foot perimeter of a work area. Remaining investigations to be made by Mobile District archeologists are the potential testing of several sites, mitigation of the effects of the pool on 2, and periodic monitoring of all sites for effects such as erosion and vandalism. The staff liaison for historic resources at West Point Lake is Mr. Robert Patterson; the contact in PD-ER is Mr. Ernie Seckinger.