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Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Proposed SR 26 Bridge Over Indian Branch, Laurens County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

GDOT Project PI #0013924 would replace the existing bridge carrying State Route (SR) 26/United States (US) 80 over Indian Branch in Laurens County, Georgia (Figures 1 and 2). The existing bridge was constructed in 1932. The existing bridge consists of five spans of reinforced concrete slab on concrete caps with concrete columns. The bridge has a sufficiency rating of 56.5. The existing typical section consists of two 1 0-foot travel lanes and 1.5-foot shoulders with no median. The project is in a preliminary concept phase and the proposed typical section has not yet been determined. The existing right-of-way (ROW) is 100 feet, and the proposed ROW would be determined as project plans develop.