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Project PRP-8531-9(051) Chatham County, Widening of Staley Avenue

Report Number
Year of Publication

Project PRP-8531-9(051), Chatham County, Widening of Staley Avenue: The subject project consists of the proposed widening of Staley Avenue from the C.S.X. Access Road east to Lamar Street. The existing facility is a two lane roadway with eleven foot travel lanes. The proposed project would widen the existing roadway to two twelve foot travel lanes. Also included in the project is a proposal to bridge the existing at-grade intersection with the C.S.X. Railroad. Existing right-of-way is approximately 30 feet. Proposed right-of-way varies up to 115 feet. As a result of a historic resources survey conducted along the project corridor, no historic resources listed in or eligible for the National Register were identified within the project’s area of potential environmental effect. In compliance with Section B of the Georgia Environmental Protection Act (GEPA) MOG dated July 25, 1991, it has been determined that the proposed project would not result in a significant adverse environmental effect.