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Cultural Resources Survey of Cuts 3 and 4, Lower Savannah River Environmental Restoration

Report Number
Year of Publication

Panamerican Consultants, Inc. (PCI), under contract with the Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, conducted a land surface and riverine cultural resources survey of approximately 60 land acres (24 ha) at the location of Cuts 3 and 4 of the Lower Savannah River Environmental Restoration, Effingham County, Georgia and Jasper County, South Carolina. This work was carried out under the provisions of Contract No. DACW21-93-D-0040, Delivery Order No. 004. The study area consisted of five separate land areas including a small cat 4-acre (1.6-ha) area at the confluence of Mill Creek and the Savannah River; the south bank of the Savannah River from opposite the middle of Bay Bush Point around Flat Ditch Point up to Hickory Bend; Flat Ditch Point (Cut 4 island); Cut 3 island; and the north bank of the Savannah River from Cut 4 to Cut 3. These areas were intensively shovel tested, with depths ranging from 10-97 cm; average shovel test depth was 40.5 cm. A total of 116 tests were dug. All areas of high surface visibility (i.e., tree falls, animal burrows), although rare, were visually inspected. In addition, the banks of the Savannah River bordering the survey areas were visually examined for evidence of prehistoric middens and possible shipwrecks. No cultural remains were found during the survey, and there are no further recommendations for the Cuts 3 and 4 project where cultural resources are concerned.