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Cultural Resources Assessment Proposed Tate 46kv Substation Site

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R.S. Webb & Associates conducted a cultural resources assessment for Oglethorpe Power Corporation's proposed Tate 46 kV substation site. The cultural resources assessment was performed to locate and identify cultural resources within the project area and assess resource significance based on National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) criteria [36 CFR Part 60.4(d)]. The project area is located in Pickens County, west of the community of Tate. The substation site covers approximately 1.2 hectares. Previous investigations in the central, Upper Piedmont suggest (e.g., Caldwell 1953, 1957; Wauchope 1966; Ledbetter et al. 1987; Webb 1990, 1993) have identified prehistoric resources dating to the Archaic, Woodland, Mississippian and Historic periods. Recent cultural resource studies in Pickens County suggest that Archaic and Late 19/Early 20th century period resources are particularly common in the uplands (i.e., McMichael 1978; Bowen 1979; Blanton et al. 1987; Smith et al. 1988; Webb 1990). The cultural resources assessment was conducted in August and September 1994. The assessment included a literature/records search and a field survey of the substation site. A review of pertinent National Register files, historic structures files and archeological site files revealed that no National Register resources, previously recorded historic structures or known archeological sites are located within the project area. Historic maps show no 19th or Early 20th century structures located within the project area. No cultural resources were detected during the field survey of the proposed Tate 46 kV substation site. Given that no cultural resources were located within the project area, no further cultural resources work is recommended for the project area.