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Project BRF-030-3(20), Replacement of GDOT Bridge # 271-00030D-001.4 Telfair County

Report Number
Year of Publication

The Georgia Department of Transportation is in the beginning stages of project development for the above noted project. The project consists of the replacement of GDOT Bridge #271-00030D-001.4 located in Telfair County, carrying U.S. 280 over Turnpike Creek 1.9 kilometers/1.2 miles east of Milan (see attached map). The proposed project would replace the existing 67.1 meter/220 foot by 7.2 meter/23.7 foot bridge with a 67.1 meter/220 foot by 13.4 meter/44 foot structure. Existing right-of-way is 61 meters/200 feet and proposed right-of-way is 61 meters/200 feet. As a result of historic and archaeological field surveys and background research, no historic properties considered eligible for inclusion or listed in the National Register were identified within the proposed project's area of potential environmental effect. No eligible archaeological resources were found. The 11-span bridge is a continuous steel stringer bridge (5 @ 20', 20' and 1 @ 20'). It has standard concrete rails, brush curbs, and timber pile with timber cap bents. The bridge is a standard design (no. 3842) that was built widely by the highway department from the 1930s through the 1950s. This bridge, which was constructed in 1936, does not have a historically distinguished setting or context.