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Holloway Avenue Relief Outfall Sewer Archaeological Survey Albany, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

This report summarizes the results of an archaeological survey of the proposed Holloway Avenue Relief Outfall Sewer (Figures 1 and 2) performed at the request of the City of Albany, Georgia. Originally the project area consisted of approximately 500 linear meters of sewer right-of-way 30.7 meters in width. The tract actually surveyed covered a substantially larger area of roughly 80,000 square meters, however, due to the discovery of a large site within the right-of-way and to the need for re-routing the sewer line. Initial field investigations were conducted on June 20 and 21, 1979, by Gary Barber and Holger Weis of the Laboratory of Archaeology, University of Georgia. The survey was completed on July 31, 1979 by laboratory employees John Strnad and Thomas Gresham. James L. Rudolph served as project director, and David J. Hally of the Department of Anthropology, University of Georgia, served as Principal Investigator. The primary objectives of the reconnaissance survey were to identify and record archaeological and historical resources within the project area, to assess adverse impacts on these resources resulting from the completion of the project, and to make recommendations for mitigation. The data gathered during the research has been organized into six sections: 1) Environmental Setting; 2) Archaeological Perspective; 3) Historical Perspective; 4) Survey Methodology; 5) Survey Results; and 6) Recommendations.