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Project STP-0692(21) Haralson County, PI # 631200

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project would reconstruct SR 100 to provide a railroad grade separation in Tallapoosa. The project begins immediately south of the present SR 100 and Marble Street intersection, continues west and intersects with the realigned Daniel Street. The new location roadway then shifts north, passes under the proposed bridge at the Southern Railway grade separation and continues north to intersect with SR 8/ US 78, where the new location SR 100 ends. The proposed project would continue north on the existing Manning Street alignment, which would replace Robertson Avenue as the SR 100 designation, and end immediately north of the existing Manning Street and SR 100 intersection. The existing roadway on Manning Street is a two lane facility with 4 foot shoulders. The existing right-of-way on Manning Street is 30 feet. The new location section of SR 100 for the grade separation would require 200 foot of right-of-way. The proposed project would improve Manning Street to provide two 12 foot lanes with 10 foot shoulders on 60 feet of right-of- way. The total project length is .79 mile (.33 mile-new location, .46 mile-Manning St.). Intersection improvements/ realignments are proposed at: (1) Stone Mountain Street and Meadow Street, (2) West Atlanta Street and Kiker Street, (3) Daniel Street and Stone Mountain Street and (4) Leonard Street would be extended to intersect with Robertson Avenue.