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Georgia Project PR-356-2(091) Dodge County

Report Number
Year of Publication

Georgia project PR-356-2(091), Dodge County, proposes the widening, leveling and resurfacing of a portion of County Road 356 in Dodge County. The existing typical section of this portion of County Road 356 consists of a 20-ft. width paved surface roadway with variable width shoulders. The proposed construction would consist of the construction of 3 ft. paved shoulders, left and right sides, along this portion of County Road 356 (Airport Road) in Dodge County. The project then proposes to level and resurface the entire roadway width. The proposed typical section would consist of two 13-ft. triple surface treated travel lanes with variable width rural shoulders on 80 feet of existing right-of-way. This proposed project would begin at the intersection of County Road 356 and State Route 46, proceed in a northerly direction to end approximately 0.85 mile north of the intersection of State Route 46 and County Road 356. The net length of this proposed project is 0.85 mile. All work would be accomplished within the existing right-of-way. There would be no additional right-of-way required for implementation of construction of this proposed project.