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Archaeological Assessment TCNS ID #181254 Proposed 355-Foot Guyed-Type Telecommunications Structure Within A 100-Foot by 100-Foot Lease Area, FA# 14568082 (Twin City) Off Little Canoochee Creek Road, Twin City, Emanuel County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Environmental Corporation of America (ECA) has completed an Archaeological Assessment for the federal undertaking at the subject site. The proposed undertaking would include a proposed 100-foot by 100-foot (30-meter by 30-meter) lease area that would include a 355-foot guyed type telecommunications structure (365-foot overall height including appurtenances) and associated ground-level support equipment. The facility would be accessible by a proposed approximate 250-foot long by 30-foot wide (76-meter by 9-meter) access/utility easement. The proposed undertaking would also include three approximate 250-foot long by 50-foot wide (76- meter by 15-meter) guy-wire easements. The proposed facility would be located off Little Canoochee Creek Road, Twin City, Emanuel County, Georgia. This archaeological assessment was conducted in order to ascertain whether the proposed undertaking, on the project site, might directly or indirectly affect cultural resources, if any such resources exist. During our database research, we found no previously recorded archaeological sites and no archaeological surveys within our standard 1-mile background research radius. During the course of the field survey portion of this archaeological assessment, one archaeological site was discovered (9EM133). On January 16, 2019, Katherine Lane, MA of ECA conducted an archaeological field reconnaissance for the construction of the proposed guyed-type telecommunications structure and proposed access/utility easement. During the site visit, ECA conducted nine shovel test pits of the proposed eight shovel test pits, with an extra shovel test pit added due to the presence of surface artifacts. One shovel test pit (STP6) was positive for the presence of artifacts below the surface, while two shovel test pits (STP3 and STP7) had artifacts discovered at the surface, but were not positive for sub-surface materials (see Attachment B2-c for the location of all shovel test pits).

The majority of artifacts recovered date from the 1940s to the 1970s and appear to constitute a trash dump. All identified artifacts were recovered from the surface in the vicinity of the shovel tests except for three large stoneware pieces, most likely from a toilet, from STP6. These fragments were found between 0" and 5" and were the only subsurface finds. The expanse of the surface scatter is most likely from the recent clearing of the land.

ECA submitted a site form to the Georgia Archaeological Site File (GASF) to obtain an archaeological site number, and site number 9EM133 was assigned. Due to the small number of artifacts and lack of subsurface features, we believe the potential for encountering undisturbed archaeological remains appear to be low. Additionally, we believe the site lacks context and significance. For these reasons, we believe the portion of the site identified within the APE for direct effects has not yielded and would likely not yield information important to history or prehistory and therefore would not be eligible for inclusion to the NRHP. No further work is recommended.

ECA believes that the proposed undertaking would have no effect on any historic or prehistoric archaeological resources that are listed in or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. Therefore, for archaeological cultural resources, we recommend no further consultation under Section 106 Review of the National Historic Preservation Act for this proposed undertaking.