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Weighing Station and Rest Area Projects # I-85-2(50) 148 Columbia County

Report Number
Year of Publication

In compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, the projects were surveyed with respect to archaeological resources; especially those which may be eligible for inclusion in the

National Register of Historic Places. The survey entailed examination of relevant survey reports, maps, construction plans, and a pedestrian (walk-through) survey of each area, complemented by periodic placement of subsurface shovel tests. These investigations failed to reveal any significant archaeological remains and it is the GD0T Staff Archaeologist's opinion that the projects will have no impact upon any National Register quality archaeological resources of the State. Project I-85-2(50) 148 is a rest area project to be constructed on the north side of I-85 between the interstate and a sharp bend in the North Oconee River just east of Hurricane Shoals. All construction will take place on the terraces with the exception of a septic tank and sand fillers to be constructed on a portion of the floodplain.