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Third Addendum Phase I Archaeological Survey of Proposed Widening of SR 107/SR 112 from I-75 to SR 181 Thompson Road in Turner County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project would consist of widening a portion of SR 107/SR 112 just east of the city of Ashburn. The project would begin at Interstate 75 (I-75) and extend to CR 181/Thompson Road (Figure 1) for a length of approximately 0.7 mile/3730 feet. The existing right-of way (ROW) is approximately 100 feet along the centerline of the roadway. The proposed ROW would vary between 170 and 200 feet along the proposed centerline of the roadway. This state-funded project (PI# 0014123) was previously part of a larger corridor under federally funded GDOT PI#s 0000311, 0000313, and 0000314. State funding was authorized on July 25, 2016. The original archaeological survey was conducted in 2008 by Edwards-Pitman, Environmental, Inc. In 2014 project changes requiring additional survey occurred. In 2017, after changing to state funding, additional project changes occurred, changing the project limits and increasing the amount of required right-of-way (ROW), and a second addendum survey and report were completed. In 2019 additional project changes occurred, specifically the need for a minor easement along Rusty Nail Road, which fell outside of the previously surveyed areas from 2008, 2014, & 2017. This report summarizes the archaeological work done in response to the most recent project update.