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Project IM-MS(194) Bartow/Cherokee Counties, Proposed Bridge Painting

Report Number
Year of Publication

Project IM- MS(l94), Bartow/Cherokee Counties: Proposed Bridge Painting: the proposed project consists of the painting of bridges at fourteen locations (see attached maps). Because of the scope of the project, the routine maintenance, through painting, of these bridge s, the area of potential effect (APE) for the purposes of Section 106 has been limited to the structures themselves. Therefore, no ground disturbance would be necessary for project implementation. To ensure compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and amendments thereto, the updated Georgia Historic Bridge Inventory was checked in an effort to identify historic resources located within the project's APE. All of these bridges are located along I-75 and I-575 and thus none of the fourteen bridges to be painted appeared in the historic bridge inventory's database. This database consists of all roadway bridges in the state of Georgia built before 1956. Therefore, no historic resources in or eligible for inclusion in the National Register were located within the proposed project's APE. This finding has been coordinated with the SHPO.