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Phase I Survey of Proposed Bridge Replacement on SR 38/US 84 over Doctors Creek Three Miles East of Ludowici, Long County

Report Number
Year of Publication

Project P.I. No. 0013719 would involve replacing the existing westbound bridge, Structure ID 183-0016-0, on US Highway (US) 84/State Route (SR) 38 over Doctors Creek approximately three miles east of Ludowici in Long County, Georgia. The corridor extends along SR 38/US 84 approximately 1,400 feet east and west of the existing bridge for a total project length of approximately 3,000 feet. The existing roadway is a four-lane divided rural highway with two 12-foot travel lanes in each direction, approximately 10-foot outside paved shoulders, and a 44-foot wide depressed median, including 4-foot paved inside shoulders. The proposed project will replace the existing westbound bridge. The existing westbound bridge is approximately 150-feet long with two 12-foot lanes and 10-foot shoulders. The existing bridge would be replaced with the proposed bridge, which measures 260-feet long (3-spans), with two 12-foot travel lanes, an 8-foot outside shoulder, and 4-foot inside shoulder. The approximate project midpoint is located at coordinates 31. 73537 4, -81.704431. Roadway improvements, including pavement work, will be necessary at the bridge approaches to create a smooth transition to the new structure.