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Geophysical Survey Report for Addendum Phase I Archaeological Survey of Atlanta Beltline Southside Trail, Fulton County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

On October 10, 2016, Edwards-Pitman Environmental, Inc. (EPEI) conducted a supplemental ground penetrating radar (GPR) investigation in order to further investigate buried historic streetcar resources potentially affected by Atlanta BeltLine, Inc.’s (ABI’s) proposed Southside Trail (Figure 1). Specifically, the proposed Southside Trail crossing at Milton Avenue was examined in additional detail in order to refine the location of potential historic streetcar tracks relative to the proposed construction activities. Survey results indicate that existing streetcar features may exist in the immediate vicinity of the proposed BeltLine Trail crossing. Based on the proposed limits of ground disturbance for the Southside Trail, archaeological monitoring of carefully exposed portions of the existing railroad crossing will need to be conducted during project construction. Additional archaeological testing and even historic evaluation may be necessary, should intact portions of streetcar track be identified during monitoring. This report explains the need and purpose of the addendum GPR investigation, the methods utilized, detailed results and analysis, and conclusions and recommendations.