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Phase I Archaeological Survey of SR 20 and West Hightower Trail Int. Improvements, Rockdale County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project would consist of intersection improvements at the intersection of SR 20 (Loganville Highway) and West Hightower Trail in Conyers, Rockdale County, Georgia. Two alternatives are being analyzed for improvements to the 5-legged intersection. One alternative includes a traffic signal, turn lanes, and a cul-de-sac on Chandler Road. The second alternative is the construction of a round-about with a cul-de-sac on Chandler Road. Currently, SR 20 has free flow movements at West Hightower Trail. West Hightower Trail operates under a two-way stop condition. On the east side of West Hightower Trail, Chandler Road (a residential roadway) intersects at a skewed angle to West Hightower Trail 150 feet on the north side from the intersection of SR 20 at West Hightower Trail. The existing ROW along West Hightower Trail is approximately 80 feet. The existing ROW along Chandler Road is approximately 40 feet. Proposed ROW would be approximately 100 feet along SR 20 and West Hightower Trail and approximately 60 feet along Chandler Road.