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Phase I Archaeological Survey of Buffington Road Between SR 14/Roosevelt Highway and Interstate 85

Report Number
Year of Publication

The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) contracted New South Associates, Inc. (NSA) under a Menu-of-Services (MOS) contract to conduct a Phase I Archaeological Survey of a portion of Buffington Road in Fulton County (Figure 1). GDOT PIs 0013948 and 0013949 call for widening and adding turn lanes to Buffington Road between I-85 and State Road (SR) 14/Roosevelt Highway. The archaeological survey was conducted within the Environmental Survey Boundary (ESB), which measures 12,200 feet long and 300 feet wide to encompass the existing right-of-way (ROW) plus 100 feet on either side. Tie-ins to the mainline extend for a length of 500 feet and vary in width. The GDOT Project Archaeologist waived the Expanded Survey Corridor (ESC) requirement because the ESB was designed to encompass all potential design changes. The ESB is considered to be the Area of Potential Effect (APE) for this project.

The survey sought to identify archaeological sites and evaluate their eligibility for the Georgia Register of Historic Places (GRHP) to assist the GDOT in compliance with the Georgia Environmental Policy Act (GEPA), Georgia Code OCGA 12-16-2(3). The criteria for eligibility and procedures for listing resources on the GRHP are identical to those of the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and, therefore, NRHP eligibility will be referred to in this report.

This archaeological survey involved background research, fieldwork, analysis, and assessment of identified archaeological sites. Background research was performed to determine if the project area contained any previously recorded archaeological sites or if any were located within one kilometer (0.6 mi.) of the APE, as well as to identify National Register of Historic Places (NRHP)-listed or -eligible properties within the APE. Fieldwork consisted of systematic investigation of the APE to determine the presence of archaeological resources and assess their size, context, and integrity. Fieldwork included shovel testing and visual inspection of the APE. Scot Keith served as Principal Investigator and Field Director. Field technicians included Shawn Johns, Marcus Allen, and Thomas Vallrugo. Fieldwork took place from April 17-20, 2017.

This report is organized into six chapters, including this introduction. Chapters II and III provide the environmental and cultural contexts of the project area. The methodology used in this investigation is presented in Chapter IV. Results and recommendations are provided in Chapter V, while the findings and recommendations are summarized in Chapter VI. Appendix A provides copies of the Georgia Archaeological Site Forms; Appendix B includes an artifact catalog; Appendix C contains a copy of the ESA letter; Appendix D provides maps of the Environmental Survey Boundary; and Appendix E contains the Principal Investigator’s resume.