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Phase I Archaeological Survey for Sea Island Road Bridge over Dunbar Creek, Glynn County

Report Number
Year of Publication

The proposed project would consist of the replacement of the existing bridge on Sea Island Road/CR 583 over Dunbar Creek in Glynn County, Georgia including minor roadway approach work for a total project length of approximately 0.4 mile. The project would replace the existing 30-foot wide substandard load capacity and deck geometry bridge with a 40-foot wide bridge. The existing two-lane facility with 6-foot grassed shoulders would be replaced with a proposed two-lane facility with 6-foot grassed shoulders. A 360-foot long and 28-foot wide temporary bridge would be placed approximately 16 feet north of the existing bridge to maintain traffic The existing right-of-way in the area of the proposed project is approximately 100 feet. Temporary construction easement varies from 100 feet to 175 feet at it's maximum extent in the location of the temporary bridge.