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Addendum to Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Proposed SR 36 Bridge Replacement over the South River in Butts and Newton Counties, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

The purpose of this addendum is to address extensions to the original project required as a result of design changes. Originally, a temporary detour bridge was to be erected adjacent to the existing bridge; however, it has since been determined that a temporary bridge is not feasible. Consequently, a permanent bridge would now be built west of the existing bridge. The permanent shift in the alignment would extend project termini about 500 feet beyond the termini proposed for the temporary bridge. That is, road alignment impacts associated with the new bridge would now extend along SR 36 approximately 1820 feet on either side of the river. Existing right-of-way is 80-100 feet. With the new bridge, additional right-of-way and/or easements would be needed on the west side of SR 36. This should not exceed 80 feet beyond the existing right-of-way, with the maximum amount being taken at the bridge itself.