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Archaeological Survey of Project STP-184-1(6) Walker County

Report Number
Year of Publication

In compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and amendments thereto, project STP-184-1(6), Walker County, has been surveyed with respect to archaeological resources, especially those on or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). The purpose of the survey was to locate, identify and evaluate the significance of any archaeological resources within the proposed project's area of potential environmental effect. The proposed project would construct four passing lanes on SR 136 in Walker County, Georgia. Passing Lane No. 1 is a westbound passing lane between Mile Post (MP) 3.924 and MP 5.155, Passing Lane No. 2 is an eastbound passing lane between MP 21.5 and MP 22.91, Passing Lane No. 3 is also an eastbound passing lane between MP 25.77 and MP 26.79, and Passing Lane No. 4 is a westbound passing lane beginning at MP 26.57 and ending at MP 27.98. Old Villanow Road and CR 191/Shook Road will be relocated to tie into SR 136 at a 90-degree angle. Existing ROW is 100 feet and an additional 100-300 feet of ROW would be required.