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Project PPL-176(8), PI No. 730910, Cobb County, Passing Lane on SR176/Mars Hill Road at Old Cemetery

Report Number
Year of Publication

On September 9, 1990, Keith Phillips contacted this office concerning a call from Cobb County Department of Transportation archaeologist, Carol Snead, concerning an unmarked cemetery adjacent to Mars Hill Road. Ms. Snead indicated that unmarked burials were located adjacent to existing right-of-way and expressed concern that GDOT Project PPL-176(8), the addition of a passing lane on Mars Hill Road between the existing road and the cemetery, might disturb several known burials. On September 28, 1990, our archaeologist, Bob Entorf, met with Ms. Snead at the project site to assess what impact, if any, the proposed typical section (ditch drainage system) and the proposed alternate typical section (curb and gutter) would have on the cemetery. Results of the onsite inspection indicate that construction of the original typical section (ditch drainage system) would impact known burials and possibly other unidentified unmarked graves. In addition, an easement within the cemetery would be required for construction of the ditch drainage system. The alternate typical section (curb and gutter) would have no impact to known burials or other unmarked graves if all construction and construction related activities are confined within existing rights-of-way between station 16 and station 20.