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Archaeological Assessment of Project FH-21(1), Jasper County

Report Number
Year of Publication

In compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and amendments thereto, GDOT Project FH-21(1), Jasper County, was surveyed with respect to archaeological resources, especially those on or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. The Department of Transportation proposes to replace the existing 12 foot by 70 foot wooden bridge with steel I-beams with a concrete bridge culvert on the existing horizontal alignment. An archaeological survey of a portion of Land Tract U-217A, Oconee National Forest, was conducted under the provisions of the proposed project. The archaeological survey consisted of an intensive archaeological survey and systematic shovel testing. The goals of the survey were to locate, document and assess the National Register eligibility of historic properties located within the proposed project's area of potential environmental effect. No historic properties eligible for listing on the National Register were located during the archaeological survey. Therefore, it is concluded that implementation of GDOT Project FH-21 (1), Jasper County, would have no effect to cultural resources eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places.