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State Bridge Road Widening Project from Park Bridge Parkway to Kimball Bridge Road, GDOT Project FR-189-1(9)(10)

Report Number
Year of Publication

-              Project limits have changed: the western terminus was extended by approximately 304 meters (1000 feet) to begin at the intersection of Park Bridge Parkway and the southern terminus was shortened to end at Kimball Bridge Road instead of Jones Bridge Road.

-              While the project is proposed to end at Kimball Bridge Road, the proposed roadway would actually taper and tie-in at a point approximately 457 meters (1500 feet) southeast of Kimball Bridge Road near the intersection of Amy Francis Lane. Refer to the plans.

-              Two 3.6 meter (12 foot) 2-lane connector roads would be added at the intersections of State Bridge Way and Kimball Bridge Road along SR 120/State Bridge Road. Refer to the plans.

-              Temporary construction easements would be added along both sides of the roadway for the entire project corridor varying in widths from approximately 9 to 18 meters (30 to 60 feet).

The reason for the change is: The Office of Programming broke up the former project number associated with this project, STP-9363(1), Fulton Co., and split it into two separate projects, renaming the above portion STP-189-1 (25) CO. STP-9363(1), Fulton Co. was originally approved as a EA/FONSI on 8/26/88 and subsequently reevaluated on 9-24-91 and 10-19-92. The changes discussed above are minor design adjustments.