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Initiation of GEPA Process for GDOT Project TSAP0-S008-00(269), Bartow County

Report Number
Year of Publication

The Georgia Department of Transportation is in the beginning stages of project development for this proposed transportation project. In compliance with the Georgia Environmental Policy Act (GEP A) the Department has determined that because of the nature and the scope of this undertaking, the proposed project has the potential to cause effects to historic properties if any such properties exist in the project area. The Department is attempting to identify historic properties already listed in the National Register of Historic Places and any properties not already listed that would be considered eligible for listing that are located within the geographic area of potential effects (APE) of the proposed project.

The proposed project would consist of the realignment of the intersection of West Cherokee Avenue and Fite Street in order to connect Fite Street and Cassville Road with a single intersection crossing West Cherokee Avenue (see attached location map). The project will require a realignment of Fite Street to the west, approximately 50-feet from the current intersection of Fite Street and West Cherokee Avenue, starting from a point approximately 300 feet south of the current intersection of West Cherokee A venue and continuing northwest. Approximately 12 feet of widening and reconstruction will occur on Cassville Road to accommodate a right-tum lane onto West Cherokee Avenue, starting from a point approximately 400-feet north of the intersection of West Cherokee Avenue and continuing southeast. The proposed project will also include the widening and reconstruction of a 1033-foot section of West Cherokee Avenue, from a point approximately 225 feet east of the intersection of Wofford Street to a point approximately 350-feet west of the intersection of School Street. The project will include the widening of West Cherokee Avenue by approximately 6 feet in order to accommodate the addition of a left-hand turn from West Cherokee Avenue, turning north onto Cassville Road, and a left-hand tum lane from West Cherokee Avenue, turning south onto Fite Street. In addition, vertical sight distance improvements will be made to West Cherokee Avenue by decreasing the gradient of the hill that crests in the vicinity of School Street. The existing right-of-way (ROW) varies from 2 feet to 10 feet, with the exception of the southeast corner of West Cherokee Avenue and Fite Street, which is 43 feet. In cases where there are proposed ROWs, they are estimated at this time to be between 5 feet and IO feet with temporary easements up to 25 feet.

The APE for the proposed project would include the areas within the proposed right-of-way and the viewshed of the proposed project (refer to attached location map). o potential for indirect effects outside this corridor is anticipated as a result of implementation of the proposed project.