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An Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Elberton City Trails and Park Landscapes, Elbert County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Cypress Cultural Consultants conducted two linear and several area surveys in locations planned for trails and park landscape development in Elberton. The surveys were conducted in order to locate cultural resources eligible for the National Register of Historic Places that may exist within the project boundaries. Most of the survey areas have been previously impacted by rubble material disposal, road construction, parking lot grading and graveling, sewer installation, and previous park development. In addition, several locations within the survey areas were steeply sloping or part of the local creek system. Despite rigorous examination, no historic or prehistoric sites were located within the project boundaries. Thus, the development of the trails and landscapes for this TEA-21 project will have no adverse effect to any properties eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. This project was conducted for a TEA-21 grant which proposes to develop trails and park landscapes in Elberton, Elbert County, Georgia (figures I and 2). The survey area consisted of an estimated 800 meters of linear sidewalks and 9.5 hectares (23.5 acres) of landscapes (table I). The project contact is D. Scott Wilson, City Manager.