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Assessment of Effects GDOT Project BRST-0941(9) Bleckley County PI# 245336

Report Number
Year of Publication

The purpose of the proposed project is to replace a structurally deficient bridge over Gum Swamp Creek on SR 126, about 6 miles east of Cochran in Bleckley County, Georgia (Figure 1). The existing bridge is no longer considered adequate according to the GDOT standards. Replacing this bridge with a new sound structure would bring it up to current design standards and would improve the operation and safety of this particular corridor on SR 126. The existing road is functionally classified as a Rural Major Collector. It is imperative that improvements be made to this section of SR 126 to keep the operation of this roadway up to the needs of Bleckley County. The proposed project's area of potential direct effects to archaeological resources has been determined to encompass a corridor - extending the full project length - that covers the union of all existing rights-of-way, newly required rights-of-way, and temporary easement within the entire project length. All project activity that could adversely affect archaeological resources, such as grading, filling, staging, and other construction, would take place within this corridor, which includes the current and proposed right-of-way. No potential for indirect effects outside of the APE is anticipated as a result of implementation of the proposed project. No change in traffic patterns would result from project implementation.