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Phase I Cultural Resources Investigations of the Regional Sewer Conveyance Improvements Corridor Bryan, Effingham, and Chatham Counties, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Between March 1 and March 10, 2021, Brockington conducted a Phase I cultural resources survey of the Regional Sewer Conveyance Improvements Corridor in Bryan, Chatham, and Effingham counties, Georgia. 

The project tract consists of a 38,000 foot (ft.) long by 100 ft. wide corridor extending from the end of Oracal Parkway in Bryan County to the Savannah Economic Development Authority (SEDA) site on Old River Road in Chatham County and the pumping station on Oracal Parkway. The investigation consisted of an archaeological survey of the entire project tract and an architectural survey of the project tract and the surrounding viewshed. This cultural resources investigation was carried out for Resource and Land Consultants, LLC., Savannah, Georgia in partial fulfilment of guidelines established for Section 404 of the Clean Water Act permit. 

Background research conducted on GNAHRGIS identified no previously recorded cultural resources within the project tract. Six previously recorded archaeological sites and eleven previously conducted cultural resources investigations were identified within one kilometer (0.62 mi) of the project tract. 

Brockington conducted both an archaeological field survey and an architectural field survey within the APE of the project tract. The archaeological field survey included systematic visual reconnaissance and 30-m-interval shovel testing. The field survey identified that much of the project tract is situated in low-lying sandy flats, depressions, drainages, and planted pine stands. Our field investigation identified no newly recorded archaeological resources and one historic resource (a portion of the Georgia Central Railroad) within the APE. 

Resource 1 is recommended eligible for inclusion on the NRHP. However, the proposed development will have no impact on the resource. No additional cultural resources management considerations are warranted for this project.