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A Preliminary Site Report for Archaeological Salvage Undertaken at 9GE153

Report Number
Year of Publication

Research Design: Excavations at 9Gel53 were originally designed to extensively investigate the site and all its components. The rationale for this was based on the site's small size and the presence of visible natural strata representing all the major cultural periods known from the Oconee Valley. Before the extensive excavation of the site could be undertaken, the site was accidentally cleared of vegetation during the clearing of the reservoir. Upon first examination of the site after clearing, it appeared that the site ha,1 been seriously disturbed, as deep gouges from bulldozers were present over much of the site. A test trench was excavated to ascertain the damage and it seemed to substantiate our first impression, that is, the site was badly disturbed, especially the upper three strata (all Lamar). Because it was believed at this time that the Lamar component was destroyed, a substantial portion of time and money was deleted from the site budget. The research design was modified as a result and emphasis was placed on the still undisturbed Archaic components.

               During the course of excavations conducted from June-August, 1978, it was discovered that the Lamar component was not seriously damaged throughout the site. Most of the Lamar levels were found to be relatively undisturbed and unusually rich in artifacts. This re-evaluation of the site's integrity necessitated another change in the research design. It was realized that the intensive investigation of the Lamar component would be the most desirable option since excavation of all components was impossible due to budgetary limitations.

               The final research design was geared toward the exposure of large areas of the site and the recovery of cultural and environmental data necessary to answer the following questions:

               1. Is the Lamar component a seasonal component or a permanent settlement?

2. What is the role of plant cultivation during the Lamar component?

3. What plant and animal species are being exploited during the Lamar occupation?

4. Are discrete activity areas present; if so, what are their functions?