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Phase I Intensive Cultural Resources Survey and Assessment of Effect of the Georgia Southern University Campus Tract

Report Number
Year of Publication

Between July 29 and August 9, 2019, Brockington and Associates, Inc. (Brockington) completed a Phase I cultural resources survey and an assessment of effects (AOE) of the Georgia Southern University South Campus Tract located in Statesboro, Georgia, within Bulloch County. The investigation consisted of an archaeological and architectural survey of the 225-acre project tract. This cultural resource investigation was carried out for Maxwell-Reddick and Associates, Inc., Statesboro, GA, in partial fulfilment of guidelines established for Section 404 of the Clean Water Act permit. These investigations follow standards and guidelines in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966 (as amended). The cultural resources survey included both an archaeological and a historic architectural survey component. Our field investigations identified two archaeological sites (9BU135 and 9BU136) and two historic architectural resources (Resources 1 and 2) within the project Areas of Potential Effect (APE) during the current investigation. Site 9BU135 is an early to mid-twentieth-century farm building complex with an unknown prehistoric isolate component. Site 9BU136 is an early to mid-twentieth-century historic artifact scatter with building remnants. We recommend Sites 9BU135 and 9BU136 not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). No further cultural resource management considerations are warranted for these two archaeological resources.

Brockington's architectural field survey of the 225-acre project tract and its surrounding viewshed

resulted in the identification of two historic resources, both located along Lanier Drive. These architectural properties include two houses constructed between 1955 and 1969. After evaluation, we recommend both properties eligible for the NRHP under Criterion C. We recommend Resources 1 and 2, both single story Ranch houses built before 1969, eligible for the NRHP. Our assessment of effects determined that the proposed project will have no adverse effect on Resources 1 and 2 since the viewshed of both resources has been affected and altered by non-historic development in recent years.