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Archeological Survey of Two Parcels at the Superior Landfill, Chatham County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

In late December, 2014 Southeastern Archeological Services, Inc. conducted a Phase I archeological survey of two parcels of land associated with further development of the Superior Landfill in western Chatham County, GA. The area of potential effect for the project consists of a 10-ac corridor along an existing haul road that crosses a wetland and a 127-ac parcel of land known as the Galbreath tract that adjoins existing landfill operations and is composed of wet and dry lands.

The Galbreath Tract is bisected lengthwise by a wide (120-m) transmission line and gas line corridor that has been previously archeologically surveyed. Archival research showed that no archeological sites have been recorded in the project area and that no structures older than 50 years existed in the project area. Previous archeological survey identified the National Register listed Savannah-Ogeechee Canal (ca. 1830) just north of the project area (across a paved road) and a prehistoric pottery and lithic site about 400 m from the project area. Based on previous surveys in the area, prehistoric sites are rare and tend to be located on high ground next to a wetland.

The Phase I survey consisted of the visual inspection of exposed ground surfaces, which were mostly on higher, dry ground within transmission line corridors, and the excavation of 154 shovel tests. Generally, shovel tests were placed at 30-m intervals on dry ground and 60-m intervals in low, wet areas. Areas of standing water were not shovel tested. The field survey encountered no artifacts or other indicators of archeological sites. It is our recommendation that since no archeological resources exist in the two parcels there will be no affect to archeological resources as a result of any proposed undertakings in them.