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Addendum Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Reconstruction of the Bridge on SR 18 at CS X Railroad in Durand, Meriwether County, Georgia

Report Number
Year of Publication

Edwards-Pitman Environmental, Inc. (EPEI), under a contract with Atkins North America, conducted additional Phase I archaeological survey for the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) project to reconstruct the State Route (SR) 18 bridge at the CSX railroad in Durand, Georgia (Project No. CSBRG-0007-00(043), P.I. No. 0007043) in July of 2016. EPEI previously reported negative findings for an earlier survey of this project (Blackwelder 2015), but plans have since been modified to include a realignment of Gold Street at its intersection with SR 18, necessitating additional survey coverage. This report presents a record of the addendum Phase I investigation,

which was conducted in order to locate and evaluate archaeological resources potentially affected by the project.

The project proposes to replace the existing SR 18 bridge over the CSX railroad. The preferred alternative involves constructing a new bridge south of the existing bridge on new alignment. In addition, Gold Street, located east of the bridge, would be realigned approximately 212 feet to the east. The additional area required for the realignment of Gold Street that lies outside the area originally surveyed was covered during the addendum Phase I investigation. The addendum survey area includes approximately 575 feet of additional area of potential effect (APE) that was not covered by the original survey, which consists primarily of existing and required right-of-way (ROW) and construction limits for the realignment of Gold Street, as well as a 100-foot extended survey corridor (ESC) buffer area.

One previously unknown archaeological resource was identified within the survey area. Located north of Gold Street, 9MW90 is a twentieth century refuse scatter that may also be the site of a former grist mill (or the redeposited remains thereof). Numerous site disturbances resulting in a lack of intact features and artifact deposits have compromised site integrity and limited its ability to yield significant information. Site 9MW90 is therefore recommended ineligible for the NRHP under Criterion D and no further archaeological work is recommended.