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Section 106 Review TCNS ID 171286 Proposed 180-Foot Tall Monopole Telecommunications Structure Crown Castle Site 830721 (DEDEDG RELO) 583 Fayetteville Road Atlanta, Dekalb County, Georgia ECA Project No. U1903

Report Number
Year of Publication

Environmental Corporation of America’s (ECA) client, Crown Castle USA Inc, is proposing to construct a telecommunications facility as described in the following FCC Form 620, New Tower (NT) Submission Packet. ECA understands that Crown Castle USA Inc, plans to construct a 180-foot overall height monopole telecommunications structure within a 50-foot by 50-foot (15m by 15m) lease area. The proposed lease area would be accessible by a proposed approximate 150-foot long by 30-foot (45m by 9m) access/utility easement.

ECA has identified and evaluated Historic Properties, if any, within the Area of Potential Effect (APE) for visual and direct effects as directed in Section VI.D.1 and 2 of the Nationwide Programmatic Agreement, effective on March 7, 2005. We have found one Historic property (Robert A Alston House, NRHP# 04000683) listed in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) within the APE for visual effects.

Based on our review of the files at Georgia Historic Preservation Office (GA HPD), we identified one historic resource (East Lake Golf Course) that has been determined eligible within our ½-mile APE for visual effects. The University of Georgia’s Natural, Archaeological, and Historic Resources Geographical Information System (GNAHRGIS) identified six additional resources (GNAHRGIS# 18817, GNAHRGIS# 18819, GNAHRGIS# 18820, GNAHRGIS# 18821. GNAHRGIS# 18822, and GNAHRGIS# 18823) within the ½-mile APE for visual effects. No

additional resources were identified within the Site ID Files, Environmental Review files, Centennial Farm Files, or within the National Register Files.

Robert A Alston House, NRHP# 04000683 is located approximately 300 feet (91 meters) northeast of the proposed collocation and is located at 2420 Alston Drive. A representative photograph and view back location has been designated as 1A-1B (see Attachment B). Based on the photographs taken, we believe that the proposed undertaking would not be visible from the Robert A Alston House due to distance and intervening vegetation. Therefore, ECA believes the proposed undertaking would have no effect on the Robert A Alston House.

East Lake Golf Course is located approximately 300 feet (91 meters) northeast of the proposed collocation and is located at 2575 Alston Drive SE. Viewback locations have been designated as 2A-2B (see Attachment B). Based on photographs taken from the closest accessible public rights-of-way, we believe that the proposed undertaking would not be visible from the Robert East Lake Golf Course due to distance and intervening vegetation. Therefore, ECA believes the proposed undertaking would have no effect on the East Lake Golf Course.

GNAHRGIS# 18817 is located approximately 1,250 feet (381 meters) southwest of the proposed undertaking and is located at 1825 Pennington Place. A representative photograph and view back location has been designated as 3A-3B (see Attachment B). Based on the photographs taken, we believe that the proposed undertaking would not be visible from the GNAHRGIS# 18817 due to distance and intervening vegetation. Therefore, ECA believes the proposed undertaking would have no effect on the GNAHRGIS# 18817.

GNAHRGIS# 18819 is located approximately 2,200 feet (670 meters) northeast of the proposed undertaking and is located at 2519 Glenwood Avenue SE. A representative photograph and view back location has been designated as 4A-4B (see Attachment B). Based on the photographs taken, we believe that the proposed undertaking would not be visible from the GNAHRGIS# 11819 due to distance and intervening vegetation. Therefore, ECA believes the proposed undertaking would have no effect on the GNAHRGIS# 11819.

GNAHRGIS# 18820 is located approximately 1,400 feet (426 meters) east of the proposed undertaking and is located at 2018 Swazey Drive. A representative photograph and view back location has been designated as 5A-5B (see Attachment B). Based on the photographs taken, we believe that the proposed undertaking would not be visible from the GNAHRGIS# 11820 due to distance and intervening vegetation. Therefore, ECA believes the proposed undertaking would have no effect on the GNAHRGIS# 11820. GNAHRGIS# 18821 is located approximately 1,300 feet (396 meters) southeast of the proposed undertaking and is located at 2011 Swazey Drive. A representative photograph and view back location has been designated as 6A-6B (see Attachment B). Based on the photographs taken, we believe that the proposed undertaking would not be visible from the GNAHRGIS# 11821 due to distance and intervening vegetation. Therefore, ECA believes the proposed undertaking would have no effect on the GNAHRGIS# 11821.

GNAHRGIS# 18822 is located approximately 1,100 feet (335 meters) east of the proposed undertaking and is located at 1996 Swazey Drive. A representative photograph and view back location has been designated as 7A-7B (see Attachment B). Based on the photographs taken, we believe that the proposed undertaking would not be visible from the GNAHRGIS# 18822 due to distance and intervening vegetation. Therefore, ECA believes the proposed undertaking would have no effect on the GNAHRGIS# 18822.

GNAHRGIS# 18823 is plotted on GNAHRGIS approximately 1,800 feet (548 meters) southeast of the proposed undertaking at 1918 Second Avenue. A representative photograph and view back location has been designated as 8A-8B (see Attachment B). Based on the photographs taken, we believe that the proposed undertaking would not be visible from the GNAHRGIS# 18823 due to distance and intervening vegetation. Therefore, ECA believes the proposed undertaking would have no effect on the GNAHRGIS# 18823.

An Archaeological Assessment was conducted within the APE for direct effects. During our database research, we found no previously identified archaeological sites and three archaeological surveys (5770, 7029, and 8367) within our standard 1-mile background research radius, but outside the APE for direct effects. Based on our findings, we recommend no further consultation under Section 106 Review of the National Historic Preservation Act for this proposed undertaking.

Based on this documentation, prepared in accordance with the Nationwide Programmatic Agreement effective March 7, 2005, ECA believes that this proposed facility would have no effect on any Historic Properties identified in accordance with the NPA. Therefore, we recommend a finding of "No Effect" for the proposed undertaking.

We are submitting this letter on behalf of Crown Castle USA Inc to seek concurrence with this finding and to comply with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requirements as identified in 47 CFR 1.1307. We request your concurrence with our finding. Please contact our office with any questions or comments.