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Addendum to Cultural Resources Survey of the Blizzard Salvage Areas in the Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forests (Forest Service Report No. 93GA03-01)

Report Number
Year of Publication

Following the completion of this preliminary report, timber personnel on three districts of the Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forest identified several more areas of severe storm damage. Log landings and access roads in these additional areas were intensively surveyed during the week of May 10-14, 1993. Field methods employed during the survey were identical to those detailed on page eleven in the preceeding text. A total of eleven landings and three access roads, as well as 6 acres of storm damaged timber were surveyed. These survey areas fell within eight compartments. On the Chestatee District, survey was conducted in portions of Compartments 559, 561, 571, and 586. In the Toccoa District, survey included portions of Compartments 675, 677, and 679. Finally, in the Brasstown District, a portion of Canpartment 335 was surveyed.

A total of three historic sites and one isolated find were recorded as a result of this survey. In the Chestatee District, two prehistoric quartzite flakes were recorded as an isolated find. In the Toccoa District, three historic house sites were identified. Two of these sites were previously located, and all three sites remain unevaluated. he current timber salvage operation will not effect the cultural resources identified as a result of this survey.

This addendum is a summary of survey findings for areas of storm damaged timber which were identified after completion of the preliminary report entitled "Cultural Resources Surveys of the Blizzard Salvage Areas in the Chattahoochee­Oconee National Forests" (Forest Service Report No. 93GA03-0l). Examination of log landings, access roads, and other acreage resulted in the identification of three historic house sites and one prehistoric isolated find. Of these, the three house sites remain unevaluated and are recommended as PROTECTED until further testing can be conducted. The identified prehistoric isolate is in an area which is not expected to be adversely impacted by the salvage operations, and will be further investigated with the second phase of this Blizzard project.

In sum, sites GA02-87, 199, and 319 are unevaluated at this time and are recommended for exclusion fran timber sales and associated ground disturbing activities. In addition, they are also recommended as sites requiring further investigation in order to determine cultural significance and National Register eligibility.