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Addendum to the Cultural Resources Survey Report for the Pendergrass Substation and Transmission Line

Report Number
Year of Publication

The purpose of this addendum is to explain the present circumstances surrounding two historic properties found by Garrow and Associates, Inc. during the conduct of the cultural resources survey. The first of these properties is an historic house site designated as Site 9JK89. Site preparation for an industrial park has almost totally eliminated this site. The second historic property has been designated as the Bridges House. This house is not located on the property for the proposed project. Garrow concluded that no further work was necessary on this structure because the proposed project was screened from view by vegetation located on the adjacent property. Clearing for the industrial park has opened up the viewshed from the house but vegetation located on the property of the Bridges House, distance, and the change in elevation limit any view of the project from the house. The construction of a large industrial plant, a railroad lead track, and a proposed 4 lane highway will compromise the view from the front of this house.